Marvel Civil War - Predicting Who Sides With Who

13. Black Panther - Team Iron Man

This one is tough to call, because Black Panther has always been a fiercely independent character. Prince T'Challah of Wakanda is a proud man who has the weight of his entire country - the world's largest source of vibranium - on his shoulders and does not take the responsibility lightly. In the comics, Panther sides with Cap's forces, although he doesn't play much of a pivotal role in the war itself. Since the movie version has yet to be introduced, it's hard to figure where his allegiances will lie. However, Wakanda has already been acknowledged in Age of Ultron and via Andy Serkis' character, and it's possible that the collateral damage caused by The Avengers tangling with the genocidal AI over T'Challah's home's most precious resource could lead to him siding with Stark in asking for greater oversight for these heroes. Plus, if things shake out the way we think they will, Iron Man will need a heavy hitter as well as an influential figure on his team.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.