Marvel Civil War - Predicting Who Sides With Who

8. Scarlett Witch - Team Captain America

Considering the first hour or so that Wanda Maximoff is on-screen in the MCU she's dedicated to trying to kill The Avengers - and specifically Tony Stark - it's a safe bet that when the chips fall she won't be standing next to the billionaire weapons mogul. The Scarlett Witch's movie origin story is that she was the victim of a bombing raid that used Stark Industries weaponry, and after watching the shelling take the lives of her entire family - with the exception of she and her twin brother, Pietro - lay buried in rubble for days staring at the logo emblazoned on the side of the shell that would have killed them as well had it not been defective. While she's obviously no longer actively trying to kill Tony and has redeemed herself, she's only (In)human and those feelings of resentment will remain, and another tragedy may be all it takes to push her over the edge once again. The other interesting ingredient to play with is the possibility of an impending relationship between Wanda and The Vision, something that lasted for years in the comics and was slightly hinted at in AoU. It may have been nothing more than a wink and a nod to the fans, but seeing the two on opposing sides of the war could create an interesting dynamic.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.