Marvel's Ant-Man Gets 2015 Release Date

As if they didn't have enough sequels and new franchises in the works here, here, here and here, Marvel have also been working with British director Edgar Wright on a forthcoming movie adaptation of bug-brained superhero Ant-Man. Well, it's good news for the thirty or so fanboys who were concerned as to whether or not that particular project would ever see the light of day: Marvel have announced Ant-Man for an official cinematic release date of November 6, 2015. Which means that the cute little guy with antenna and shrinking powers will follow The Avengers 2 (scheduled for release on May 1, 2015) after it probably becomes the highest-grossing movie of all-time or something. Ant-Man, for those who don't know, is the alter-ego of Henry Pym, a brilliant scientist (where have we heard that before?) who creates a formula which allows him to shrink down to the size of an ant and solve crimes and stuff. Oh, and he can also control ants with a special helmet he designed to do just that. One of Marvel's lesser-known superheroes, Ant-Man is obviously being primed to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. gang where he will then be mocked and ridiculed by Tony Stark (and perhaps Thor, who can have a temper on him) for his small stature in scenes of guaranteed banter. All of that to come. In three years.

All-round pop culture obsessive.