Masters Of The Universe Reboot: 5 Actors Who Could Play He-Man

3. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'? Well? Do you? We sure do and if what he's cooking is a lead role in He-Man then we're more than happy. All arguments aside about Dwayne being Samoan, Rocky is a brilliant choice for any action role. In fact, he's the only wrestler that you could convincingly cast in any role and not be laughed out of the cinema. I'm not sure he'd look the part without blonde hair but maybe we could overlook that as he is so perfect in every other way. Imagine He-Man laying the smack down on Skeletor's candy ass, pausing only to raise The People's Eyebrow. What an image! And let's face it, Dwayne made his living walking around being a bad ass hero in his underpants on a daily basis so perhaps he's the perfect choice?

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.