MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts About Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

5. Chris Evans And Scarlett Johansson Wrote A Lot Of Their Own Dialogue

Captain America The Winter Soldier Black Widow Opening Scene
Marvel Studios

Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely may just be the unsung heroes of the MCU. The pair not only wrote The Winter Soldier, but also Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame too. For the second Captain America film, however, they actually had a little help from the film's two leads.

Speaking to Metro back in 2014, Stephen McFeely mentioned how both Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson ended up contributing to the script in several key areas, specifically during their scenes together.

"The script was in pretty good shape when we started, but Chris had a lot of input on the scene where he’s meeting Sam Wilson for the first time, and what it would take to make Captain America – who probably gets stopped in the street all the time – turn around for that extra conversation. And then he and Scarlett were involved in that scene in the car when they’re driving to Camp Lehigh and they’re talking about kissing and all that. I think actors very often know their voices better than I do, so I have no problem with them adding a couple of lines to a scene or telling a different joke."

Given that one of the film's best elements is the back and forth between Rogers and Romanoff, Evans and Johansson's tinkering with the script must've been a success.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.