MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts Behind Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)
5. Stan Lee's Original Cameo
Stan Lee continued his tradition of cameoing in Marvel movies with Guardians of the Galaxy, despite having previously said he wouldn't be in it as he didn't create the group. Lee appears as something of a ladies' man on Xandar, seen flirting with a young woman while Rocket looks on and proclaims him "a class-A pervert."
It's not one of Lee's finest cameos really, as it comes off a little ickier than they obviously intended, but it could've been very different (and better) with James Gunn's original plan. The first idea for the cameo would've seen Lee appear in the Collector's museum, in a glass case, where he slowly gives the camera the middle finger. Gunn took out the flipping off bit as Quill had already done it, but the rest was intended to stay, until some people at Marvel decided that it didn't work and it was changed completely.