MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts Behind Iron Man (2008)

2. Tony Stark Almost Invented Doc Ock's Tentacles

Spider-Man 2 Doctor Octopus
Columbia Pictures

Despite the fact that it wasn't finished when they came to film, the Iron Man script went through lots of different versions before it made it to the big screen. As well as a version in which Howard Stark was going to be Iron Monger, there was also another that sought to break through the movie rights barriers well before Spider-Man turned up in Captain America: Civil War.

An early draft revealed that Tony Stark was the inventor of Dr. Otto Octavius' tentacles as seen in Spider-Man 2, but because Sony held the Spider-Man rights, it was never a real possibility. That would have fit with the Starks being responsible for making Cap's shield as well - as if the family were the centre of the universe of invention.

Hopefully, we'll see Doc Ock in the MCU now that it's possible, but time will tell on that front.

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Iron Man
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