MCU: 10 Greatest Ever Wanda Maximoff Moments

9. Taking Ultron's 'Heart'

Elizabeth Olsen Wandavision
Marvel Studios

Despite being a key member of the Avengers over the years in the source material, Wanda Maximoff began her time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a villain. With a grudge against Tony Stark for the bombs that killed her family, she and Pietro joined Ultron in his quest to end the Avengers.

It wasn't until she could see that the death and destruction the robot had planned didn't stop at Earth's Mightiest Heroes that she turned against him. The twins both took up arms against Ultron in the Battle of Sokovia, something that saw Pietro lose his life.

Her twin was all Wanda had left, and she was naturally crushed and devastated by his death. She wanted the being responsible to feel what he had put her through, so when she found her former ally lying broken after falling from the sky, she used her powers to do just that.

Wanda ripped the 'heart' from Ultron's chest, not only as a show of the pain she had been caused, but a demonstration of the incredible, undeniable power she had been given by Strucker's experiments. Ultron was the one who killed her brother, and she made him pay for it.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.