MCU: 10 Greatest Iron Man Moments
Tony Stark - genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, hero.

Back in 2008, the thought of making a live-action Iron Man movie with Robert Downey Jr as the titular hero was considered a massive risk.
Whatever worries people had about the film were quickly tossed aside once they saw the finished product - an intelligent, witty and brilliantly performed superhero adventure which would not only lay the foundation for the upcoming franchise, but would thanks to Downey Jr create one of cinema's most compelling and popular characters.
Appearing in a total of ten MCU pictures, Tony Stark has had numerous opportunities to shine. At once arrogant, loyal, funny, intelligent and energetic, it doesn't matter whether he's been cocky, vulnerable or brash, because every aspect of his character is a blast to watch.
He may not have had the most consistent trilogy in the franchise (that honour currently belongs to Captain America), but in many ways that doesn't matter. Tony Stark/Iron Man is the series' most interesting, complex and unassuming hero, and he steals every scene he gets even if the story isn't really working for him (Iron Man 2 - that's you).
Here are Iron Man's most amazing MCU moments, all of which perfectly capture why he's such a beloved character. Spoilers within.
10. Barrel Of Monkeys - Iron Man 3
During Iron Man 3's final act, big bad Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) kidnaps the President right off Air Force One whilst his right-hand Eric Savin (James Badge Dale) blows up the plane. Tony arrives on the scene, kills Savin, and then must mount a daring rescue in order to save the thirteen people who have been sucked out of the doomed airline.
Without hesitation - and despite JARVIS (Paul Bettany) stating he can only carry four people - Iron Man kicks into action and stages a real-life game of Barrel of Monkeys. With each person grabbing another whilst he holds them up, Iron Man is able to slow their descent and place them safely in the water below, alive and well.
It's one of the MCU's best and most underrated sequences, and a perfect encapsulation of how good a hero the former weapons dealer can be. The reveal that Tony wasn't even in the suit makes the whole thing all the more impressive, and serves as a nice reminder that it's Tony who is the hero, not Iron Man.