MCU: 10 Insanely-Powerful Villains Who Could Be The New Thanos

7. Magus

Emma Frost Marvel
Marvel Comics

What better way to follow up the Infinity War saga than with its canonical sequel? Which is also called Infinity War... um... confusingly.

Anyway, the villain of the original Infinity War storyline was a baddie called Magus, an evil future version of Marvel hero Adam Warlock. Considering that we're very likely to see Adam Warlock make an appearance in Guardians 3, it would make sense to eventually introduce Magus as well.

Pretty much everything about this guy is awesome except for one easily fixable detail. He is just too damn purple, and his outfit is ridiculous. Thanos was an alien, so it made sense that he'd be a different, weird colour, but at least he had a cool outfit. Any picture you look at of Magus will likely leave you in stitches. Fortunately, again, this is easy to fix. And once he gets his hands on the infinity gems, he'll definitely become a lot less funny.

This is a baddie that took the entire Marvel universe teaming up with Thanos to defeat, and even then there was a lot of luck involved. A perfect candidate for the next MCU big bad.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?