MCU: 10 Insanely-Powerful Villains Who Could Be The New Thanos

2. Magneto

Emma Frost Marvel
Marvel Comics

Most fans speculated that Marvel were going to give it a bit before introducing the X-Men into the MCU because of how long we'd spent with the Fox X-Men universe. Well, turns out that's not happening, so we may as well wonder when Magneto is going to show up.

Whenever he does, though, it's gonna be big.

Magneto is one of the most fascinating villains in the Marvel universe, and a perfect candidate for the next big bad. He's charismatic, runs an entire nation, has insane superpowers, and genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. But unlike Thanos, he actually has a leg to stand on. When people are building giant killer robots to genocide the crap out of you and your entire people, and you have the power to stand up and say "no, you don't get to do that," it's easy to see doing any less than what Magneto does as cowardice.

Now, a lot of Marvel comics have him cross a whole bunch of lines to make it easier to justify kicking his ass. But hopefully the MCU will take a more nuanced approach, like with what was seen in the classic X-Men story "God Loves, Man Kills". He's ultimately the villain, yes, but he isn't entirely wrong.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?