MCU: 10 Most Paused Moments

7. The Avengers Finally Assemble - Avengers: Endgame

Iron Man 2 Wakanda
Marvel Studios

From the moment we first saw the core group of Avengers join forces on the battlefield in Avengers Assemble to that jaw-dropping slow motion visual of the squad all diving into action in Age of Ultron, the MCU has gifted us with many an aesthetically pleasing ensemble shot over the years.

However, none of these multiple Avenger sequences compare to Endgame's assembling of the entire Cinematic Universe's available good guys. So, when the feature finally made its way onto streaming platforms and home video, it wasn't long before fans were excitedly pausing this particular sequence to see how many familiar faces they could spot in the most formidable hero rush you're ever likely to see.

From the airborne likes of Iron Man, Spider-Man and Star Lord to sprinting fearless warriors such as Black Panther, Drax and Thor, this riveting shot is equipped with both an embarrassment of Marvel riches and the ability to make you cry, cheer or press rewind to watch it all over again, every time you experience it.

Will the MCU ever be able to top this much-paused once-in-a-lifetime coming together of superheroes? Subsequent Phases have some rather large shoes to fill.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...