MCU: 10 Things You Learn Rewatching Captain America: The Winter Soldier

4. What Was With Natasha's Necklace?

Captain America Winter Soldier Black Widow Ending
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Age of Ultron was... divisive, to say the very least. It had its moments, but layered within its most compelling sequences came some rather bizarre storytelling decisions, including Bruce Banner and Black Widow's romance, as well as Clint Barton's secret family. Both features were heavily critiqued by fans upon the film's release (the former for its borderline painful "I'm the real monster' moment, and the latter for, well, just how contrived it was), but there may be another twist in the tale fans aren't aware of.

In the comics, Black Widow and Hawkeye shared a romantic past. Clint being Clint, the relationship didn't last, but fans nevertheless expected it to feature in the MCU at some point, particularly when their history together was made a focal point of both characters' development during Avengers Assemble. Winter Soldier only added fuel to the fire, with Nat actually wearing an arrow necklace for the majority of the film's proceedings. (Jeremy Renner was due to star in a brief cameo, but scheduling conflicts prevented such a thing form happening.)

Of course, it's just as good seeing Nat and Clint in a platonic light, but one can't help but get the feeling that a different path might've been planned for the pair. Not that it matters now of course, but it's interesting to consider that a small visual cue comprised a part of Black Widow's outfit for the majority of the story.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.