MCU: 10 Things You Learn Rewatching Thor

2. Thor's Humbling Is One Of The MCU's Best Character Arcs

Thor Helmet
Marvel Studios

It wasn't bombastic action that made the original run of Phase 1 movies so popular, it was Marvel's firm belief in character. As a result, audiences flocked to the original Iron Man to see Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, not the titular hero, and the same can be said about Thor.

Here though, it's harder to draw a line between the superhero and the actual person. They're one and the same, but that actually made it possible for Marvel to craft a protagonist that's different from the others in their stable. Unlike Iron Man or Cap, Thor starts out as a God and has to learn how to be human, rather than the other way around.

This thread is what makes the original Thor still exciting to revisit today, as his development from being an entitled douchebag to a humbled king worthy enough to wield the power of Mjolnir acts as the backbone of the entire film. In fact, it's handled so well, and the character transforms so much, that he practically had nowhere to go from there until he was reinvented in Ragnarok.

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