MCU: 7 Perfect Marvel Characters Daniel Radcliffe Should Play

1. Hyperion

Hyperion Marvel
Marvel Comics

Essentially Marvel’s Superman, along with virtually the same home-world-destroyed-and-sent-to-earth narrative, Hyperion does in fact have certain appeal that would definitely translate to a bigger-budget, future film. He hasn’t started off as a hero; in fact, he’s operated mostly as a villain for most of his tenure, only later becoming an anti-hero and eventual, temporary Avenger.

This interesting dynamic could certainly serve as the basis for a number of films, and Radcliffe can do the part justice. We would be able to see Radcliffe’s reach as an actor, with him portraying the character as a villain, who later comes to the light to fight injustice.

Not unlike Man of Steel's portrait of Superman, we could even see him portraying a more compelling, humanistic take on the character. Just so critics wouldn’t rag on the superficially dull character too hard.


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