MCU: Captain Marvel's TWO Post-Credits Scenes Explained

What Happens In Captain Marvel's Mid-Credits Scene

Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Pager
Marvel Studios

During Captain Marvel, we see her modify Nick Fury's pager - the one he used in the Infinity War post-credits scene - so that he can contact her from Earth, telling him the signal should reach a couple of galaxies and to only use it in emergencies. It's probably fair to say the Decimation counts in that regard. It shouldn't come as much of a surprise, then, that the pager again comes into play during Captain Marvel's mid-credits scene, but that's the only part that isn't a bit of a shock.

The scene begins with a shot of the pager, which is still sending the signal, except it's not on the street where Fury dropped it when he disappeared, but in the Avengers compound, where it's being closely monitored. It then reveals the key players of the scene: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and James 'Rhodey' Rhodes.

The quartet are still clearly reeling from Thanos' actions, but they've also got the pager under close observation in the hope it will give them some clue, when suddenly it stops working. They've already bypassed the battery in order to keep it going, so Steve helpfully suggests turning it off and back on again, while Bruce wants to send the signal again. There's a brief moment of worry, and debate about what the next movie is, with Natasha saying that it was important to Fury and so she wants to find out who is on the other side of it. And then BOOM: Black Widow turns around, and finds Captain Marvel in the Avengers compound, standing right next to her. She asks: "Where's Nick Fury?" and then the scene ends and the credits begin again. In the scene, Marvel is wearing a new costume too, although it's a little difficult in the moment to make out the full extent of changes. The one she wears in the film is her Starforce one, with the colours then changed, but the post-credits version has a different logo on it and looks slightly more armoured too.

What's absolutely crucial to note here is that this takes place really close to the end of Infinity War. Natasha has her short blonde hair, and more tellingly, Steve still has his luxuriant beard. This is an extended clip from Avengers: Endgame, but it must come very early on in the movie, and means Captain Marvel is with the rest of the team from almost the start of the film. That also means she's quite likely the one who was edited out of the trailers in order to avoid spoiling this moment.

This means that Captain Marvel likely isn't going to be saving Tony Stark, as had been theorised, and nor is she going to suddenly turn up halfway through to save the day. She'll be helping them with their first plan, which looks like it's going to fail, before Ant-Man then drives the Quantum Realm plot.

Next: What Happens In Captain Marvel's Post-Credits Scene?


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.