MCU: Casting The Remaining (Relevant) Asgardians

3. Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson) - Kekoa Kekumano

Angela Cl Mence Po Sy
Marvel/Warner Bros.

Though his performance as a younger Aquaman was brief, in a film filled with mostly sub-par acting, Kekumano's portrayal of Arthur Curry was one of the best in the entire movie. With such skills, his talents should not be wasted, meaning that not casting him in a role such as this would be an opportunity missed.

As the character's name suggests, Kevin Masterson is the son of our last entry's Eric Masterson, and wields the same mace that his father did. Much like Eric, when Kevin uses the weapon, he is transformed into a form that somewhat resembles Thor. Though, as you can see from the image above, his dress-sense is a little different.

Sure, the chances of us seeing the powered versions of both father and son is a bit of a long shot, but we can only hope.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!