MCU: Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Ranked Worst To Best
2. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Even though comic book purists might be upset by how mangled the original Civil War comic was by the time it came to the big screen, the decision by The Russos to refocus the story onto a more personal heart was completely inspired.
They took something as big as superhero registration (itself an allegory for governmental control, the surveillance state and simple accountability) and made it only a vehicle for a portrait of the dynamic between four men. The Sokovian Accords may have been hugely important to how the world views superheroes, but it was never as weighted as the conflict between Cap and Bucky, Cap and Iron Man, Iron Man and Bucky and all three with Zemo.
And on top of those elements, the Russos somehow still found space to introduce Spider-Man and Black Panther, to give Ant-Man his Giant Man moment and to have some genuinely stunning action sequences. And there's never a sense that anything is compromised on for run-time or space.