MCU: Every Single Marvel Movie Post-Credits Scene (And What They Mean)

4. Thor: Ragnarok - Let's Call It A Draw

Thor Ragnarok Grandmaster Reacts
Marvel Studios

The Scene

The revolution that Thor and his Revengers kick off on Sakaar comes to its end and we see the Grandmaster emerging from the ruin of his palace (where he's clearly been holed up with a couple of concubines) as some of the planet's scavengers come to capture him.

But, instead of surrendering, he tries to talk his way out of it, celebrating the success of the revolution and championing his own part in it (you can't have a successful rebellion without someone to rebel against, after all). We don't see a resolution, but it's a nice little comic ending.

What It Meant

Not a great deal, but primarily that The Grandmaster isn't dead (and might actually be able to talk his way to power given his skills). So hopefully we may even see more of him.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.