MCU Phase 4: 10 Comic Book Panels That Must Be Recreated
Bucky in the Cap suit? You know you want it.

The fourth phase of Marvel's soon-to-be decade-long cinematic universe is almost upon us, and compared to phases one-through-three, it looks as though it's going to have a lot to deal with.
We already know that Avengers: Infinity War is going to boast a hefty bodycount, and that - for better or for worse - the next phase of the MCU is going to represent something of a departure compared to its predecessors. James Gunn has spoken of the universe following a whole new story, and - apart from Guardians 3 and a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming - we know not yet what the future holds for Marvel's flagship franchise.
That doesn't mean we can't speculate though, and with sequels to Doctor Strange and Ant-Man on the horizon, there are certain moments from the comics that Marvel simply have to be looking to replicate on the big screen, irrespective of their own individual scale. We saw as much in Captain America: Civil War (when Tony blasts Cap’s shield), and it looked spectacular, and even Doctor Strange got in on the action with a homage to Brian K. Vaughn's 'The Oath'.
With it looking increasingly likely that Infinity War will herald a brand new start for the MCU, it's clear that the universe is going where no other superhero franchise has gone before. Here's hoping it'll pick up some tips from the comics along the way.