MCU Phase 4: 10 Epic Thor Moments Marvel Must Adapt

9. Beta Ray Bill

Thor Celestial
Marvel Comics

Trying to explain how Beta Ray Bill come to be is perhaps one of the more difficult moments explaining in Thor lore, but it's more than worth learning to hear about one of most unusual heroes to star in the Marvel Universe.

Bill is an alien who stumbles upon an unconscious Thor - back when Thor would revert to being Donald Blake while unconscious - and picks up Mjolnir, inadvertently challenging the original Thor for the role.

Despite defeating the original, Bill returns the hammer to him, eventually gaining his own weapon named Stormbreaker. The alien ends up becoming a loyal ally to Thor, with the two using their considerable and similar powers to defeat some seriously powerful opponents.

It's likely that any MCU adaptation of Beta Ray Bill will involve him looking somewhat different, as the horse-skeleton hybrid may be difficult to make not utterly weird in CGI. But, with so many brilliant Thor moments involving the Korbinite hero, it's only a matter of a director realising how great a character he is for him to finally feature in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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