MCU Phase 4: 10 Massive Stories Marvel Could Adapt Next

7. Galactus

Galactus ff

Obviously, there are some logistical issues with building a Phase of stories around a character whose rights are currently owned by Fox (as part of their Fantastic Four package), but if Spider-Man: Homecoming taught us anything, it's that even costly deals can be lucrative and worth the hassle.

What Galactus has in his locker is a threat bigger even than Thanos, and different too, crucially. You cannot simply bludgeon a giant, planet-eater to defeat him, so he would require an entirely different approach, which in itself is hugely intriguing.

This wouldn't necessarily need to be a Fantastic Four movie, even (though it would be a great way to introduce them if Fox can be convinced to lend them back to their original creators), but having his shadow rise ominously just as the Avengers are picking up the pieces from Thanos' attempted conquest would be a great way to escalate.


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