MCU Phase 5: Predicting The NEW Avengers Lineup

4. Spider-Man

Avengers 5 Lineup
Sony Pictures

Spider-Man's relationship with the Avengers in the comics is about the same as his relationship with any team in the Marvel universe, or with anyone in general in the MU for that matter. Sometimes he's a member, sometimes he isn't, sometimes they hate his guts, and sometimes he's straight up the team leader. That last one is unlikely to happen in the MCU, but there can be no doubt that Spidey is headed for the New Avengers.

Considering how much time Far From Home spent establishing Peter as the inheritor of Tony's legacy as a hero, it would frankly be odd for him NOT to show up on the team.

His love of playful banter and Tom Holland's charmingly awkward performance would bounce off well with the other heroes like She-Hulk, while Spidey would also get to know what it's like to be the experienced one for once with newer heroes like Shang-Chi.

Spider-Man's place in the MCU is vital, so it only makes sense that he be on the most important team in the MCU.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?