MCU Quiz: How Many Characters Do You Know?

The MCU has many characters, but just how memorable were they?

Thor Lady Sif
Marvel Studios

Phase One of the MCU movies began with the now iconic Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, aka the titular Shellhead, a genius inventor who drastically changed the direction Stark Industries was heading. He became the founding member and leader of the Avengers, a team of superheroes who are committed to protecting the world from various threats of evil.

Iron Man was the beginning of a long and successful journey for what's now the greater MCU franchise.

With the franchise being as vast as it is - currently clocking in at 27 films and several TV shows - it's no surprise that there have been many characters to appear across the many different movies over the years, From heroes like Iron Man and Thor to villains like Thanos and Loki, fans have been inundated with extremely memorable and enjoyable figures. But what about those characters who weren't the star of the show? After all, every hero needs a sidekick to help them catch the bad guys.

How many of the following MCU characters can you correctly identify? Only a true fan will be able to score 100% on this quiz!

Answers at the end!

1. Who Is This?

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