MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Tony Stark Or Bruce Banner?

How well do you know two of the MCU's greatest minds?

Marvel Studios

The Marvel Cinematic Universe features two particularly smart scientists with very different personalities.

Engineer Tony Stark's often egotistical attitude led him into trouble with his fellow Avengers, with ol' Shellhead always having to be correct and forever positioning himself as the leader of the team. Whilst Bruce Banner might be as smart as Stark, he thankfully doesn't have Iron Man's arrogant attitude. Instead, Banner tries to contain his emotions to prevent the Hulk from coming to the fore.

Tony and Bruce made for a good partnership, breaking into S.H.I.E.L.D. systems and working out a time-travel plan in Avengers: Endgame. That said, this working relationship did also end up unwittingly creating the villainous Ultron.

Despite some of their similarities, how well do you know Tony Stark and Bruce Banner? Here, this quiz features 12 quotes from either of these characters, and all you need to do is correctly identify which Avenger said each line of dialogue.

Do you remember who wanted to try shawarma for the first time? Was it Stark or Banner who said "we create our own demons"?

All answers can be found at the end!

1. Have You Ever Tried Shawarma. I Don’t Know What It Is, But I Wanna Try It.


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