MCU: Ranking Every Upcoming Project By Anticipation

13. Iron Fist

captain america civil war
Marvel Comics

With Jessica Jones set to introduce its titular character and Luke Cage in just a few months, that only leaves Iron Fist as the future Defender whose show we know least about. The first season of Daredevil teased a lot about the character and his world, from the mysterious Madame Gao to the existence of long-time Fist villain Steel Serpent, so it's not as though Marvel has been holding back on setting up his involvement.

As different as, say, Jessica Jones's first season will be from Daredevil's first season, so, too, will Iron Fist's be wildly different than theirs. Whether the series takes viewers along with Danny Rand to K'un-L'un or showcases his crucial battle with the dragon Shou-Lao, Iron Fist has every opportunity to be the biggest of the standalone Netflix series in terms of scope and action, jam-packed with a level of martial arts and mysticism yet to be seen in the MCU.

Considering that he has yet to be cast, his show will likely be the last stop before he and the others come together as The Defenders. Even with only speculation as our guide towards what to expect, he's easily the most exciting of the three characters left to be introduced purely for his story's potential and what it could mean for the rest of his future allies.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!