MCU Spider-Man Movie Wishlist: 5 Things We Want To See
1. Just One Villain Per Movie
For some reason, Hollywood seems to think multiple villains makes stories bigger and more impressive, but really they end up making things feel much smaller since we spend less time on each element. When Spidey is at his best on film, hes battling a single enemy: Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, even his focus on the Lizard in the mediocre The Amazing Spider-Man was much better than the shoe-horning of Harry Osborn into the sequel.
Spider-Man 3 had so many villains that one had to bump his head and forget he was evil for most of the movie so they wouldnt step on each others toes. And that movie is universally accepted as the worst Spider-Man movie of them all.
The lesson is clear: just keep things simple and provide us with one person with clear motivations to hate.