Mechanic Resurrection Review: 3 Ups & 7 Downs

Downs...7. The Alba-Statham Romance Is Totally Unconvincing
Mechanic Resurrection Jason Statham Jessica Alba
Summit Entertainment

Though Bishop (Statham) only comes to know Gina (Jessica Alba) after saving her from being attacked in the film's first act, the plot synopsis nevertheless hilariously refers to her as "the love of his life".

This typifies one of the movie's big problems: the central romance is utterly unconvincing and yet the premise is focused so intently on Bishop coming out of retirement in order to save Gina after she's kidnapped by the movie's villain.

Bishop goes from not knowing Gina to being willing to do anything to save her in a heartbeat, and it's laughably implausible. It doesn't help that Statham and Alba have little romantic chemistry and are frankly just an odd pairing from the get-go.

As such, the audience is never compelled to believe that Bishop would quit his quiet life to save that chick he just banged. Really!?



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.