Mel Gibson: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Frank Dunne - Gallipoli (1981)

Peter Weir's powerful drama saw Mel Gibson land his second Australian Film Institute Award for Best Actor with a performance that showcased the young actor's range and versatility, establishing him as one of the most promising talents of his generation. Tracing the journey and relationship between two friends that enlist in the army during the First World War, Gallipoli is a personal story on an epic canvas, with Gibson anchoring the movie with an incredibly emotional turn. Following the path of the two friends from their initial meeting at an athletics competition to their enlistment and involvement in the war, Gibson's performance is low-key yet entirely convincing, with the character evolving from an over-confident and naive sprinter to a cynical solider greatly affected by the war. The final scene in the movie is nothing short of devastating, and almost 35 years on it remains one of the finest pieces of acting of Gibson's entire career.

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