Mission: Impossible - 15 Most WTF Franchise Moments

2. Ethan Hangs Off A Plane (Rogue Nation)

Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Tom Cruise

In a clinically insane - and somehow successful - attempt to one-up the Burj Khalifa stunt from the previous movie, Rogue Nation opens with an absolute belter of a stunt sequence that the rest of the movie struggles to live up to.

The pre-titles sequence sees Ethan attempting to sneak on-board a plane which promptly prepares for takeoff, all while he desperately clings to the side of the plane's door.

Of course, Cruise performed the sequence himself, which saw him tethered to the plane door as the aircraft flew over 5,000 feet into the air, a stunt he performed a staggering eight times before shooting was completed.

It's an absolutely jaw-dropping stunt that looks truly stunning in the final film, largely thanks to McQuarrie fixing a camera close to Cruise and lingering on him hanging on for dear life. It's pretty much the epitome of an actor giving everything they have to make a movie as thrilling as humanly possible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.