Mission Impossible: Fallout - 18 WTF Moments

10. The Series' First F-Bomb

Mission Impossible Fallout Henry Cavill

In addition to the heightened intensity of Fallout's ludicrous action sequences, it also features the first use of strong profanity in the franchise, and it's certainly well-placed.

When Walker plans to extract "Lane" and he stalls for time, Walker angrily asks him, "Why do you have to make this so f***ing complicated?"

Prior to this, the Mission: Impossible series has never gone above the tepid likes of "s***" and "b****" when it comes to colourful language. But of course, PG-13 movies can get away with one or two naughty words nowadays, so it'd be rude not to.

In addition to Cavill's savage delivery, the line feels like a meta-comment on the movie itself, with its litany of twists built upon twists, surprises within other surprises and generally wilfully convoluted nature. It's all in good fun, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.