Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Reviews: 11 Early Reactions You Need To Know

8. Rebecca Ferguson Is The Best Thing In It...

Critics near-universally agree that Rebecca Ferguson, who plays the film's Ethan Hunt-like femme fatale Ilsa Faust, is easily its most-valued asset (outside of the ludicrously-staged action, of course). She's apparently "the most interesting character here by a mile", and several reviewers noted that she evokes something of a 1940s movie star vibe. Following in the shoes of this year's Mad Max: Fury Road, one critic argued, "sometimes you wonder...if the star is the star at all." Furthermore, both the character and performance were praised for " the film into life, holding her own against Cruise to play an integral role in all of Hunt's death-defying exploits. Ferguson is cool, sexy and lethal, kicking off her heels to deliver one of the more memorable breakthrough performances in recent memory." And yes, unlike Jurassic World, she does remove her heels for the action sequences. Despite all this, some critics did express worries about the role of women in the series, one noting, "Mission: Impossible's rotating lovelies mean we probably won't see her again in the sixth installment." It's unfortunate but true, though the presence of a kick-ass female to match up to Cruise does present another troubling issue...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.