Moonfall Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs
Roland Emmerich delivers the dumbest film of the year - and perhaps any year.

The so-bad-it's-maybe-good movie event of the year has finally arrived - the latest nutso disaster flick from schlock peddler Roland Emmerich.
Though it's certainly arriving on a wave of muted hype amid few pre-release reviews and limp box office tracking, Moonfall sure is a sight to see alright.
This utterly delirious sci-fi extravaganza, centered around the Moon being knocked out of its orbit by a mysterious force, may not be a good film by any typical metric, but it does at times transcend its innate stupidity to deliver something entertainingly bonkers.
With a massive $146 million budget, Moonfall is one of the most expensive independently-funded films ever made, and while it's tough to picture it ever turning a profit, throwing something this unhinged out in cinemas is admirable in its own way.
Anyone who's seen the trailers knows to expect idiotic dialogue and plotting alongside a few questionable performances, and Moonfall at least delivers on those expectations.
But to its mild credit, it also commits hard to the extra-ness of its premise, taking it in a deeply silly direction that just might make it a campy cult hit in the years to come.
Nobody could blame you for skipping it at the cinema, but at the same time its sheer audio-visual bombast makes it well-suited to giggle at on the big screen.
But now, here are the many, many things that don't work about Moonfall...