Morbius Spoilers: 10 Major New Leaked Plot Details Revealed

3. A Crazy Final Battle

Spider-Man Morbius
Sony Pictures

Morbius and Crown come face to face in New York and it's then that the latter reveals the skeleton is his, and that he's actually a reincarnation of an ancient being. He now wants to use Michael to perform a ritual and live forever without constantly having to reincarnate (becoming all-powerful in the process).

It all sounds pretty terrible and is probably where the movie falls apart. With any luck, though, his plan will make at least a little more sense on screen than it does here!

Morbius battles Crown while wearing his comic accurate costume and their battle takes place mostly in the air. Ultimately, the title character manages to suck the life out of Crown and, uh, grows to being nine foot tall and completely out of control before his wife is able to calm him down into becoming his normal self.

With reshoots currently taking place, we can only hope that some alterations are made to this baffling sequence as it sounds like it will either be terrible or surprisingly...okay?


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.