10. Barefoot Gen (1983)
This film is a manga which explores the bombing of Hiroshima from the point of view of Gen, a little boy who lives in the city. His family has hardly any food due to the war causing shortages. The other cities in Japan have been ruined but Hiroshima has been spared for some dreadful reason according to Gen's father. On August 5th, Gen goes to school and at 8.15am, he can see a bomber in the sky. We see his family doing everyday things and suddenly - a huge white flash. This blinds many people and melts their skin. We see the effect of the bomb all over Hiroshima and the bloody aftermath - people wandering around mutilated. Gen has a traumatic time of it in the weeks after the bomb but the film ends on a hopeful note for a film about nuclear war. Critically praised and with a devoted fan base, Barefoot Gen is like most traditional anime - a serious adult film. Even the most ruthless war monger would have a hard time singing the praise of nukes after watching this film. For lovers of apocalyptic cinema only.