Netflix's I'm Thinking Of Ending Things Ending EXPLAINED

5. "I'm Thinking About Ending Things"

I'm Thinking of Ending Things

The film’s title also holds a great significance in terms of the story being told. Like the novel, the film’s narrative is presented from the point of view of the young woman as her thoughts narrate and give context to the events going on. One thought that keeps reoccurring to her as the night progresses is of “ending things” with her boyfriend.

This is the meaning of the phrase that viewers are expected to have on their first viewing. However, these words also have a bleaker meaning that refers to suicide. As we reach the big reveal in the school, it becomes clear that the latter is what the title is referring to. Throughout the course of the film it’s the janitor who’s thinking of ending his own life, which he ultimately does.

In a deviation from the book’s more graphic depiction of his death, in which the young woman stabs herself in the neck, this Jake decides to take his life by freezing to death in his car. To confirm the reality of what unfolded, the end credits linger on a static image of the janitor’s car buried in snow, with his frozen body implied to be inside.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.