New Batman Movie: 10 Things We Want To See in Batman 4

10. Bruce Wayne

Nolan€™s controversial ending to The Dark Knight Rises left the fate of Bruce Wayne in a box marked €˜or is he?€™ It€™s left open to our interpretation whether Wayne actually survived or in fact had died in the nuclear explosion. We€™re even left with the idea that John Blake might be the new Batman. If there is to be a Batman reboot, I€™m not sure it€™d have even a fraction of the appeal without Bruce Wayne underneath the cowl. After all, who is this John Blake? We€™ve seen roughly six minutes of exposition on his origin whereas we€™ve spent huge chunks of our life learning about Bruce Wayne; his tumultuous past and subsequent adventures. Batman€™s not just a 2D picture of a man in a bat costume. Who is behind the mask is just as important, more so even, than the mask itself.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.