New Prometheus TV Spot Just Blew Our Minds
Do not click on this story if you want to remain SPOILER FREE for Ridley Scott's new film.
***SPOILERS*** Those not wanting to a) get spoiled or b) have their minds blown out the back of their heads might want to avoid this new Prometheus TV Spot. VIDEO REMOVED AT REQUEST OF FOX. In less than half a minute we are thrown a lion's share of new glimpses with Space Jockeys running around ships, quick cuts of space maniacs and one freaky ass shot of the little butterfly snake alien facehugger thing making its way into a crew member's mouth. have captured this .GIF showing the action in repeat glory and frankly WOW. This movie is going to be pretty messed up and Ridley really seems to be pushing the gross out angle to whole new xenomorph levels. IMAGE REMOVED AT REQUEST OF FOX. There's also a closer look at who or what (an infected crew member or Space Jockey??) is attacking Shaw before she screams "DIE!" in a recently confirmed line of dialogue in another of the many TV spots and featurettes that are popping up this week. IMAGE REMOVED AT REQUEST OF FOX. If that is a Space Jockey, what the hell is the matter with his skin, as he seems all smooth and grey aboard the ship we see in the trailers. And if there are multiple Space Jockeys, this one is certainly closer to the features of the one in the original Alien movie somehow, even without the "trunk" or is that hidden in this shot? Anyway, my mind is blown. My patience for this film is destroyed and I'm off to build a time machine to get to June 1st ASAP. I'll leave you with some more grabs for your viewing pleasure. Anyone know a cheap place for Flux Capacitor? IMAGE REMOVED AT REQUEST OF FOX.