New Spectre Trailer Description - 7 Things You Need To Know

2. Blofeld Tricks Bond

In the second trailer there were a couple of shots that didn't appear to fit in with any of the major sequences showcased - Bond stalking someone through a shooting gallery and seemingly chasing someone down in the sewers (presumably near the Thames). Now, thanks to a shot in the new trailer, we know exactly what's going on - he's chasing Oberhauser. In an extension of the scene in the sewers (or similar), we see Bond spot Waltz's character stood in plain sight and take several shots at him. However, the evil leader is stood behind bullet-proof glass, with the bullets only leaving a few marks (similar to the film's gunshot logo), revealing that this all may be part of a Silva-esque trap. However, such plot details are secondary to that fact that Bond straight-up tried to kill Not Blofeld - clearly things have got past talking or trying to stop his evil plan (maybe that's already happened with London on fire). This must be later on in the film, or at least after the Rome discovery, as we're seeing Bond pushed to some extremes here. Although this isn't the only point in the new trailer where we see 007 go well beyond his remit...

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.