New Tom Clancy franchise picked up?

n41376.jpgRelatively Media have picked up the rights to Tom Clancy's character John Clark (aka. John Kelly), with an adaptation of the author's 1993 novel Without Remorse in the works says Variety.
The 1971-set book has Kelly, a former Navy SEAL returned from Vietnam, taking charge in two operations - an official military rescue of POWs, and a personal vendetta against the drug runners who raped, tortured and killed the first woman he became involved with since his wife's death.
If you have seen the films Clear and Present Danger or The Sum of All Fears, then you will have seen Clark played by Willem Dafoe and Liev Schrieber already. Previous attempts have been made to this Clark novel to the big screen have seen Gary Sinise, Joaquin Pheonix and even Brandon Routh attached at some point, the latter of which was to be helmed by John Singleton. The studio is hoping they can turn this character into a franchise vehicle like Clancy's character Jack Ryan. source - dark horizons

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.