New VALKYRIE teaser trailer soon
Thanks guys for all your responses towards the Valkyrie trailer which I erroneously stated on Sunday was brand new. It would appear miraculously that it passed me by even though I'm normally a mad man in this war room I call my office, keeping up with the latest tactical developments in the movie world.
It would appear that the negative reaction which I always found a slight mystery originally stemmed from the bad word of mouth from said trailer and I can really see why. It's clear that U.A. are formulating a plan for a better advertising campaign this time around. I was informed today by a P.R. company working on Valkyrie that we can expect a new trailer for the movie very soon. Let's hope the new cutting and the re-shoots that we know definitely have taken place have sparked new life into what at one point was looking like a potential "film of the year" candidate. This one is not a lost cause yet.