We all know the name, dont we? Bond, James Bond. But speculation this week surrounded the latest instalment in the Bond franchise and in particular to that of it's moniker.
The Sun Newspaper, a publication renowned for its moderation and factual rigour - claimed this week to have exclusively revealed the title of the next Bond movie as that of
Red Sky at Night. Good news, you may think, for the farmers in the audience, but even by the standards of Bond Films and even Quantum of Solace, its a bit of a pig. Fear not though, Bond fans, it was later revealed by
Bleeding Cool, that this story appears to have been lifted from
an online forum, where a week earlier a poster claimed this title, learned from a friend of a friend to be present on production copies of the script. Not so much an exclusive as a lesson of how dangerous a weapon Google can be in the wrong hands. Here's what the forum message read;
Hi, new here guys, nice to find such a cool site. Im close friends with an art director in the film industry, i wont mention his name but he has worked closely with production designer Michael Carlin and is about to start work in Canada on Kal-El, the next Superman movie. He was busy in 2010 on Bond 23 before it went into hiatus. He told me that the movie for a while had the code name Red Shadow, but when official documentation and the script arrived it contained the title Red Sky At Night and as such was reffered to as this by Sam Mendes, Michael Carlin and the producers and the studio etc. I think its a pretty cool title myself though out of the two Red Shadow is better i think though Red Sky At Night has a classic Bond Movie ring to it. he also said that filming would have been done in Ontario, Canada and there was a large stunt involving the Ontario Tower as well as a huge hockey game and skiing/winter sports sequences. What do you guys think?
In seemingly taking an age between the initial announcement of the films go ahead and the recent setting of
the 2012 release date, they have managed to contrive a level of anticipation above and beyond that which they could have reasonably hoped for. Now they just need a cool title to carry on the momentum but it sure is tough with all the Ian Fleming books bled dry, apart from the silly sounding titles we mentioned previously. The above message's mention of
Red Shadow, a very cold war Fleming sounding title, sounds pretty cool to me. I could get on board and excited for that. And maybe the 'Red Sky At Night' is the fake title they were planning to use during filming to evade paparazzi and set lurkers. Remember The Dark Knight carried the fake title Rory's First Kiss during filming.