Nomadland Review: 9 Ups & 1 Down

5. The INCREDIBLE Ensemble Cast

Alphas David Strathairn

Nomadland has less famous faces than practically any other major movie vying for awards this year, given that in addition to Frances McDormand, the only other name actor at all is the great David Strathairn, who plays her quasi-love interest, a charming fellow nomad named Dave.

Stathairn is typically strong in a simple, affable role, but what's really evocative about the movie is Zhao's decision to generally cast non-professional actors in the bulk of the supporting roles.

Most of the characters Fern meets throughout the film, even the ones based on characters in the source material, are basically exaggerated versions of the amateur performers playing them.

Yet by clearly drawing so much from their own lives, the actors are able to convince in ways that even few A-list Hollywood types can, their stories wearing the hallmarks of truth - though we'll never know exactly how true.

Charlene Swankie, who plays Fern's elderly mentor simply named Swankie, in many ways forms the movie's emotional backbone, her philosophical approach to life and death, and her generally headstrong attitude are sure to steal your heart.

Collectively, these performances compliment McDormand's work perfectly, and are as vital to the film's success as the lead actress herself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.