Non-news about Michael Bay and his next project

This report tells us nothing we didn't know already. Bay has three movies as his possible next picture, but which will he choose?

2012a-1.jpgWe already know this, I don't see how this has become news but I guess ironically by me reporting on this, I'm also fuelling it as news like everyone else. We already know that Michael Bay has potentially three projects lined up as his next movie. There's a sequel to the TRANSFORMERS which at this point looks extremely unlikely to be a pre-strike movie. Unless Bay has successfully taunted Paramount by threatening to jump ship and unless Paramount have really itchy fingers about keeping the TRANSFORMERS buzz alive by quickly going ahead with a sequel, then this would seem to be the long shot at this point. Then there's PRINCE OF PERSIA, Disney's fast-track new franchise which Bay's name was heavily linked with earlier this year. This would seem to be one of two top contenders for his next movie. The other being the sci-fi movie adaptation of Whitley Streiber's novel 2012: THE WAR FOR SOULS, which Bay's production company bought the rights to earlier this year. Straight away that would indicate that Bay is at the very least interested in producing the movie, but it's been pretty obvious to all that he quite fancies directing it - if the time is right. Whitely Strieber, leaked the following quotes on his official website about the project which I found over at Slash Film:
€œI don€™t know if he will direct it for sure, but I know he is interested in directing it,€ Strieber told SciFi. €œMichael Bay€™s company did buy the rights to 2012, though, and he will at least produce it.€
Ok. We knew that already surely? For those that don't know the book is about a door to a parallel Earth that opens on December 21, 2012 which just so happens to be the exact date that Nostradamus and the Mayans depicted THE END OF THE WORLD! What will Bay decide to do as his pre-strike movie? My guess would be either 2012 or PERSIA. I would rather see him direct 2012 because although that material is pretty interesting, I really believe he is totally the wrong man for PRINCE OF PERSIA and that franchise wouldn't survive a Michael Bay movie. Thoughts on this? Is it more of a case of the movies your hoping he doesn't direct, than anticipating what he will? Does anyone anticipate a Michael Bay-non Transformers movie anyway?

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.