Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Ways It Changes Star Wars

2. Uncle Owen And Aunt Beru Were Packing Some Fire Power, But Still Got Scorched

Darth Vader

Providing the Original Trilogy with easily one of its most harrowing and disturbing visuals, the sight of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's charred remains outside of their Tatooine homestead post-Stormtrooper raid told the story of a couple who simply didn't stand a chance when faced with the might of the ruthless Empire.

However, with the pair's re-emergence in Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi tale came the revelation that these two humble Tatooine residents were packing much more fire power and resilience than fans initially thought.

Upon discovering that Reva was on her way to kill their precious Luke, Beru informs her husband “We both knew this day might come,” before revealing a secret stash of blasters to fight off the former Grand Inquisitor. Very much risking their lives to ensure the safety and secrecy of one of the most important beings in the galaxy, the show successfully alters fans' perceptions of a pair who once seemed like little more than bit-part players designed to add more significance to Luke's decision to join the fight against The Empire.

In truth, Owen and Beru were brave as all hell and even managed to keep a powerful Force-user at bay for a spell. It's just a shame their aim wasn't quite as sharp all those years later.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...