Guillermo del Toro's next project after HELLBOY 2 has been revealed, and it's not the film I was expecting him to direct. I was almost certain his next picture would be 3993, his Spanish ghost story set in the backdrop of the civil war, from the guy who wrote the extremely well praised horror THE ORPHANGE which Del Toro just happened to produce.
Latino Review are telling us that a
anonymous inside source has scooped them the news that del Toro will be shooting an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's story AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS. The movie has been a passion project for quite some time for del Toro but the problem was always finding a studio to go ahead with the picture which because of it's theme, tone and a unconventional Hollywood ending, was seen as a bit risky. Warner Brothers have been offered this project several times but in the end it would seem HELLBOY 2 has impressed Universal, as they have agreed to finance the movie. The story which John Carpenter borrowed significantly from in THE THING follows explorers who journey to the Arctic where they uncover an ancient race of beasts. del Toro once said the project was to be his TITANIC and the movie of his life! No word on 3993 in Latino Review's article, but they do say that he is still interested in a TARZAN movie but the script isn't ready. Wouldn't suprise me if this film is a pre-strike movie and this could be really awesome. I love THE THING and I love the stories that H.P. Lovecraft wrote and del Toro's movies have so much life to them. This should be good.