Oscar Nominations 2024: 8 Ups & 9 Downs

1. Oppenheimer's Dominance Signals A Predictable Oscar Season

Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy

As expected, Oppenheimer ended up the most-nominated movie this year, scooping an impressive 13 nods. Yet the flip-side of this is also that it positions the film to sweep its way through a likely incredibly predictable Oscar season.

When you consider that Killers of the Flower Moon's Best Picture and Best Director chances took a huge hit by missing out on Best Adapted Screenplay, it seems highly likely that Oppenheimer takes both awards without much of a contest.

With more than six weeks left until the Oscars are held, it's starting to feel like a bit of a foregone conclusion, while the more exciting Oscar races at least have two majorly viable films jostling for the biggest awards.

Sure, Poor Things could make a surge into second place, but given that film's out-there nature and how near-universally beloved Oppenheimer is, it seems like we're in for a rather dull - if certainly deserving - end to this year's Oscar season.

The Academy could do themselves a huge favour by moving the Oscars back into February next year, because dragging this circus into March has the tendency to make it a huge slog.

So, now that our complaining's (mostly) out of the way, here's what this year's slate of nominees actually got right...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.