Oscars 2013: 10 Movies That Could Surprise Us All

6. Django Unchained

The talented director who doesn€™t stop talking has pretty much been left to his own devices ever since Reservoir Dogs hit our screens. Tarantino has now made seven major motion pictures, and almost all of them have been met with rave reviews and instant cult status. While other filmmakers struggle to get budgets and green lights, Tarantino has managed to make any film he desires, on his own terms, when and how he wants. This freedom has allowed him to deliver some of the most important and entertaining films of the last two decades, but for Tarantino, this loner-like freedom has contributed to just one drawback €“ his absence from the Academy voters€™ minds. Although he has been nominated twice before as Director (Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds), Tarantino has surprisingly been overlooked in the category this time. I€™m sure if he did want to win an award it would be for his directing, but interested or not, he does stand an outsider's chance at winning Best Picture. If the Academy wanted to create a shock in this category but still give it to a deserved recipient, Django Unchained would be the film to choose. It is also worth noting that Django is up for the Writing €“ Original Screenplay award as well. This is a category Tarantino stands a great chance of winning.
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I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.