Oscars 2014: 18 Sublime Moments That Define Best Picture Nominees

2. The Cerebral Palsy Phase - The Wolf Of Wall Street

During Martin Scorsese's three-hour depiction of rampant sex, greed, and drugs, Jordan Belfort and Donnie Azoff decide to pop a brand of legendary Quaaludes. The results make for an uproariously amusing scene that Scorsese indulges across the span of 10 minutes. These powerful Quaaludes leave Jordan drooling all over a hotel lobby, temporarily paralysed, and suffering from what he calls "The Cerebral Palsy Phase." After a few moments, Jordan regains a very small fraction of his composure and begins crawling out of the hotel, tumbling down a set of stairs, and inching his way towards his car, opening up the door using nothing but his left foot. It's absolutely hysterical and proves Leonardo DiCaprio can be an absolute hoot when pulling off physical comedy. Jordan then manages the short two-mile drive home - which he may or may not narrated accurately - and bursts into his home, before getting into a hilarious fight with Donnie... which involves a phone cord wrapped around his leg snapping back into his face. Donnie then begins choking on sushi and fading away, before Jordan mimics Popeye on the television screen grabbing some spinach - in an unforgettably brilliant parallel - by snorting some cocaine to revitalise him with enough energy and mobility to perform CPR. In case you haven't noticed, scenes like this are why the world is excited that Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill will be reuniting for another feature film later this year.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.