Oscars 2014: 9 Hilarious Scenes From The Best Picture Nominees (And 1 That Fails Miserably)
4. Mark Hanna Teaches Jordan The Ropes - The Wolf Of Wall Street
Unless you've been sleeping under a rock since Christmas, chances are you've heard about the scene-stealing McConaughey cameo in Martin Scorsese's The Wolf Of Wall Street. Running at about 10 minutes in length, and appearing very early on in the movie, this scene had people talking more than most after the three-hour running time finally comes to a close. This is McConaughey's second appearance on my list after already making us hate ourselves a little for enjoying Ron Woodroof so much. But while Woodroof evolves into an inspiration, his Mark Hanna relishes the vicious cycle of Wall Street. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) starts working on Wall Street as a wide-eyed and innocent 20-something who can't believe how much these people curse at their job. When Mark Hanna takes him out to lunch, the scene quickly snowballs into one of the most comical moments from the whole year, showcasing the brilliance of McConaughey and DiCaprio, Scorsese's directing, Thelma Schoonmaker's editing and Terence Winter's writing. From the importance of jerking off to chants and mating bird calls; this one is not getting old any time soon.
Nik's passions reside in writing, discussing and watching movies of all sorts. He also loves dogs, tennis, comics and stuff. He lives irresponsibly in Montreal and tweets random movie things @NikGrape.